Monday, September 13, 2010

Oh my poor body. Im seriously SO sore from yesterday's 90 minute yoga sesh. How do those 65 year olds do this if Im this sore today?!? Oh I'll most definitely be going back. I have been converted.

But if there is someone who does yoga could you please explain the whole "Sending your energy vibes out to the universe part"? I'm a Liiiitle bit confused about that part.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I found your blog via Top 2 Tuesday.
    I read this post and laughed; I just started going to yoga too! I am definitely the youngest one there but, last week, a woman declared that she was working toward her goal of doing a yoga handstand by age 65, and that she only had a few months! I couldn't believe it! I can't do half of the moves they're doing, and they're working on HANDSTANDS!?!? haha. I completely relate to this post, but agree - yoga is addicting!
