Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hard Decision

Except it wasn't That. hard.

I was just offered a job, making 3 times the amount of what I make right now, but I turned it down.

Right now an adorable little boy comes to our house 5 days a week. It's a job, it pays pretty well I think for being able to stay at home and be with my son all day. I have a double stroller and extra car seat and there isn't anything I was doing before with just Jasper that I can't do now. I can and do still go on play dates, the zoo, parks, mall, grocery store- all of that. Now I just have an extra little with me. It's actually great. Jasper calls him his brother and they are becoming great friends.

I was offered to take on an extra kid, an infant, and though that money would have been Awesome, at this point I needed to turn it town. I don't think I could give both boys the attention they need and deserve if I was also caring for an infant. I wouldn't be able to do all the outings we have planned, can you imagine watching/playing with a 3 year old, 1 year old an 3 month old at the pool? Eek.

I don't regret my decision at all, but I am mourning the loss of that money just a tiny bit..


  1. Aww girl you made the right decision. This time with your little one you NEVER get back. Money comes and goes :) Hang in there! HUGS

  2. Sorry I’m a week late… Thanks for “Stalking Me!” I'm Stalking back, finally! Following on GFC with Both of my blogs:
    Please follow my other blog if you haven’t already. Don’t forget to stop by this week and link up again with "Stalk Hop Friday"!

  3. yeah, i nannny two kids four days a week and take henry with me as well. full days and let me tell you, three is almost too much. i'm always stressed and feel like i can't give each kid the individual attention they deserve (including henry and that kills me!) be glad you turned it down, seriously. good decision!

  4. I would have turned it down too. I am not sure how I am going to handle the two of my own in a couple of weeks (although I am planning on going back to work at 12 weeks).
