Monday, February 18, 2013

Jasper says

'What should we cuddle about?"

It means, what should we talk about as we cuddle. My favorite part of the day is climbing into his bed with him and cuddling for a few minutes. We usually read a book or two then turn off the lights and cuddle and talk for a few minutes. I thought it was just my favorite part of the day, but tonight I had been in getting Tindra down (long night. And afternoon for that matter) and when I came into his room after he was already in bed he asked if I would climb up and cuddle for a few minutes. When I said of course he squealed "Yes!! That's my absolute Favorite!" Mine too buddy, mine too. 


  1. oh my goodness i just love him

  2. So so sweet. Love the special bond between a Mama & her son.

    Thanks for the congratulations...she's going to be one loved little lady! <3

