I mean really. This past week we have had sunny and 65-70's and it's been Heaven. We have been spending literally every waking minute outside and I feel amazing. I feel happier, refreshed, less stressed, and honestly? My body even feels better. I've woken up the last few days with MUCh less pain in my hips and joints. Does that make me crazy that I think the sun could possibly be making my body less sore? Possibly. But I don't care. I'll keep believing in the power of the Denver sun. We are living a mile closer to it after all.
Yesterday we took full advantage of the sun with a zoo date. We hadn't been in a while, and with this baby coming in less than 6 weeks or less it might be a while before we go again. Maybe once I hit 37 weeks and want to walk this baby out we will have to go once more because man am I sore after 4 hrs of zoo walking. But the zoo was so gorgeous that I barely noticed.
Sadly these are the only 2 pictures I took of our entire zoo outing- I was too busy with my walking boy, sometimes I really miss when he was in a stroller! I could be a tiny bit more distracted when he was safely strapped in! Seeing him 12 feet away from a Lion with just a little glass fence in between us FREAKS me out! So no picture distractions for us!
If you are ever wanting company at the zoo or mall or wherever let me know. I would love to get our kiddos together :)