So Thursday night we headed about 30 minutes away to a 3D/4D ultrasound clinic to see if we could see if we are going to have a little boy or girl in April.
On the way there I chugged a coke to make sure he was going to be moving around so we could make sure to see the 'goods'. This might not have been a great idea since I rarely drink caffeine or anything w/ sugar lately so it made me feel slightly nauseous.
Right when we got in to the room (which by the way was Perfect- I had a comfy bed/ w pillows to lie on, the lights were dim, Jasper and Drew had a leather couch to sit on, it was like a home movie theater!) he got started right away- with the baby projected on a large screen covering half the wall. No crowding around a little computer screen!
Add caption |
Waving at us! |
Toesies |
Being shy |
Right away we saw that umbilical cord was right in the middle of the legs- blocking any view of goods. He spent the next 10 minutes pushing lightly on my stomach, having me switch sides and positions- and then finally he froze the screen.
The whole time during the ultrasound we kept calling him him, like oh there he is waving at us! Look Jasper he opened his mouth!! And then Jasper started asking, where is his penis (we don't use baby names like wee wee or anything like that with him, he knows the part names) and the ultrasound guy smiled and started explaining what he had frozen on the screen.
Me: "But I don't see anything" (as in his boy parts)
(That thing sticking up that looks like it could be a penis is the umbilical cord that finally moved to the side a little bit)
And he said.
That's because you are having a
Absolute silence from Drew and I.
Jasper say's "Whaaaaat? Oh maaan" in his dramatic exaggerated tone.
When I recover I ask " Well so How sure are you. Is it just maybe too early and the boy parts haven't developed? Like what percentage would you say"
He laughs and answers "Well. I've never been wrong and this won't be my first time. That's a girl"
Then he goes on to point on the little white bumps we see in between the legs are her lady bits.
So not only is there no penis- there is the beginning of her lady parts!
I didn't think if I was told it was a girl I would believe them. But as soon as he told me- showed me why, I just knew. And all the things that have been different about this pregnancy make sense!
I'm still in shock. And trying to get used to saying her instead of him. But of course, I'm super excited :)
Oh and I think it's quite ironic that the day my niece is born (Linnea Rae) I find out I'm going to have a daughter. It was a good day for the Larsson family :)