Thursday, June 25, 2015

Slooooow down

Time needs to. Summer needs to.

I just realized that its JULY next week. And I feel like we are just getting started! I get kind of panicky when I realize how much I want to pack in in such a short amount of time, parks and pools and beaches and library trips and and and..the list goes on. 

I've also realized that with THREE kids and just myself (during the week) I can't do everything I want to do. We really only have between 9-12 to get out before naps and after naps its been too hot to really do anything outside (think 97 degrees- blah) so there's really only time for one activity/morning.

I've also been trying to squeeze in 30-45 min at the Y to get a quick work out in. But mainly to have a few minutes to myself a day because 2/3 of the kids love going there to play and the other 1/3 doesn't care as long as someone is holding him. I'll let you figure out which kid. 

Throw in swim lessons twice a week for the big kids and it feels like theres ZERO time left for anything else. 

But so far we are having a fantastic summer! We've managed different parks, an ikea morning, the zoo today, a couple different splash parks and lots of bike rides. 

All this jabbering to say.. SLOW DOWN summer, we have lots left to fit in. 

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Monday, June 22, 2015

Weekend Happenings

We had one of those super busy/amazing weekends. The ones that make you really really dread Monday morning. 

Saturday morning we went to one of our favorite brunch places Snooze to meet Drews brother and his fiancé. Then we drove around for a little while looking at possible neighborhoods to move into eventually. I think we added another one to our list! Which is good because our number one preferred neighborhood is almost impossible to get into!

Saturday evening we went to Boulder for a friends Swedish Midsummer celebration. Good food, amazing back yard with views of the foothills, Aquavit (and the singing that goes along with that!) and dancing around the flower pole made for such a fun evening. I could Almost pretend we were back in Sweden celebrating (as we were last year!) minus the fact that it go dark at 9 PM instead of the sun staying up all  night. 

Sunday morning we woke Drew up with coffee and presents. The man is So hard to buy for! The kids and I did a little photo shoot for him for pictures for his office and I think he loved them, so thats a big win. Next we got donuts, played in the yard with the kiddos and then went to see Inside Out since it was 97 degrees out. SUCH a cute movie. And the 5 minute mini movie before hand? I about cried. I didn't think I'd ever feel so bad for a volcano (if you see the movie in the theater you will know what I'm talking about.)

In the evening Drew's brother and fiancé came over to babysit for us (THANK YOU WILL AND BRITT!) so Drew and I (and Soren) could go see Ingrid Michaelson and Ben Folds at Red Rocks. If you are ever in Denver/Colorado during concert season you HAVE to go see a show at Red Rocks. I don't care who it is. There's really nothing like seeing a show there. And this was no exception, amazing shows by both of them. Doesn't hurt that they were both playing with the Colorado Symphony. Just amazing. My only complaint- Ingrid and Ben only sang one song together. They sang The Luckiest and not going to lie, I was basically in tears it was so beautiful. 

Soren is one lucky little guy to have that be his first show! We got some looks and comments and I definitely got a side eye from the girls sitting next to me when we sat down with Soren. After the show she told me she couldn't believe how good and quiet S was the whole time. The same can Not be said for her drunk and loud friend. He seriously did so good though. As I knew he would. As long as he's being held and fed- he's the most perfect and content baby. He slept some of it, but mostly he just sat there watching, taking it all in. We were far enough back that it wasn't too loud. Pretty sure the movie we went to in the morning was louder than the concert. And luckily he can sleep through some loud noises, I mean he does have two very loud siblings..

And that was our weekend! Hope yours was as good! 

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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Jackson Hole; Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone

And we are back! Got back last night from a great little vacation in Wyoming. I couldn't get over how beautiful it is there. Seriously everywhere you turn, beauty. I think we are a bit spoiled here in Colorado with how beautiful it is here, but I've got to say I think Wyoming has us beat. 

Like I mentioned, Drew was there for work so Wed-Friday he was busy so the kids and I were out exploring on our own. But Saturday and Sunday we got as a family to explore Grand Teton National park and Yellowstone. 

 ^Those Tetons are something else right? ^

 ^Getting a little steam bath from the hot springs in yellowstone^

 ^My dad lives on the other side of Yellowstone so we met him halfway!^

 ^One of my favorites from the whole trip. Hanging out at String Lake in Teton National Park. The water is the warmest because the lake is so shallow. It was breathtaking^

 ^Lunch In Moose is necessary for these amazing views alone. And Mount Owen Pizza^

 ^Another favorite, Granite Hot Springs. In the summer the water is about 94 degrees, which is Perfect. We decided Soren needed to come in for a few minutes too and the whole time he just snuggled up against me, in complete heaven. I bet it felt like being in the womb.^

 ^Coolest restaurants. These two places next to each other have this field in the middle stocked with balls and cones for the kids to play while waiting for our food. It was the most relaxing dining experience with kids probably ever. We went to one one night, and tried to go to the other restaurant the next night but they had a big bridal party there and it was an hour wait to sit outside so we found somewhere else to eat^

 ^Town Square. Notice Tindra's eyes..she was ridiculously tired that day^

I can't wait to go back here some day when the kids are older and take them white water rafting and horse back riding! And canoeing! So much to do in this gorgeous area of the country. 
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Friday, June 12, 2015

A mini adventure

We escaped all the apparent rain Denver is having early Tuesday morning and made our way to gorgeous Jackson Hole Wyoming. Drew needed to come here for a work trip and with Jasper out of school it was the perfect time for us to tag along. I'm so in awe of the beauty surrounding us on all sides. Living in Colorado has some amazing perks, like fantastic views, but I have to say it's nothing like being the valley, surrounded on all sides by the Tetons. 

Drew has been working during the days so far, so after breakfast together, the kids and I take off to explore the town and parks. I was planning on doing things like the local rec center for swimming, children's museum etc, but I've found that just bring snacks and exploring a new park a day has them perfectly content. 

While we were in Sweden last summer Drew and I halfway joked that vacationing with kids was basically just exploring new parks, and it's kind of true!

Yesterday we found a park by accident thats walking distance from where we are staying, right with the locals and not in a tourist area at all, just a little cute neighborhood. While there I met two moms who immediately introduced themselves and within minutes had exchanged numbers to meet up today. I mean, now nice are Wyomingites? Thats a word, I was old. Seriously everyone here is So friendly. 

Today we met up with our new friends at a cute local park I never would have found that had a little stream for the kids to play in. It was freezing, naturally, from the mountain snow/ice but that didn't stop the kids from playing for hours! 

And tonight we went to THE most perfect restaurant. Not because the food was amazing (which it totally was, with most of the ingredients used are from within 30 miles of here- talk about local) but because in between the two restaurants was a little field, stocked with balls and cones for the kids to run and play while waiting for dinner. Tons of tables spilled out over the patio and into the grass, so parents can sit outside and enjoy a drink/dinner while the kids are making friends in the grass. How perfect is that? Another thing locals told us about. When you travel- MAKE FRIENDS WITH THE LOCALS, they know all the best spots. If we have time before we leave we are definitely going back to check out the restaurant next door so the kids can once again play in the grass. It's the absolute best way to enjoy a meal because lets be honest, eating out with three kids is not exactly a relaxing activity. 

And of course a few pictures from our trip thus far. 

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