Back in February, obviously before Tindra was born I wrote about my baby essentials with Jasper and what I was expecting to need/use this time around. I had no idea if that would differ with baby number 2.
I said I thought I would need....
1. Good bottles. I bought Tommee Tippee bottles because supposedly they are the best especially for breast fed babies.
What I actually think now: The first 6 weeks or so T just did Not like them. The milk came out too fast in them. We ended up just using the medela bottles that came with our breast pump kit- and bought a few extra bottles and nipples from Target. Since we usually only use 2 bottles a day, only having 5-6 has been just fine for us. Now at 4 months we are able to use the Tommee Tippee ones as well.
2.Swaddle blankets- bought a bunch of Aden and Anais swaddle blankets because with Jasper we swaddled him every night till 5-6 months
What I actually think now: still think they are amazing. We have 9-10 and honestly I wish we had more! I use them for everything, light cool blanket for in the car with the AC blasting, to lay on the floor during tummy time, as a car seat cover when out on a sunny walk, burp cloth, you name it we use it for. Oh except for swaddling. T is basically a baby Houdini and has been since about a week old. NO swaddling blanket or technique kept her in. So we ordered the woombie. This is the ONLY thing that keeps her swaddled up nice and tight. And she doesn't mind it at all because she can still move her arms around, they aren't pinned to her sides like a straight jacket. She is teething so she loves to chew on her first- which she can actually still do in the woombie, she just sticks her first, in her mouth woombie and all and sucks away.
3. Swing, for a safe place to set baby to sleep in.
What I actually think now: The first 3 months we used the swing a lot more than now, now she is in it maybe 10-15 min a day just for some entertainment. There is a bar I can put in that has little toys attached and a mirror- she loves that mirror! But I don't actually use it as a swing anymore. The first 10 weeks especially it was a god send though as I could always get her to nap in there for more than 30 min. It took us being in Iowa for two weeks with out it to figure out how to get her to start napping with out it. So I still love it, but I'd look into buying one cheaper or used because at $200 it's a bit pricey for just a few weeks use, but still ours was amazing!
4. Crib
What I actually think now: We haven't started to use the crib yet (we got a white Ikea one) but will soon so it definitely still stays on the baby essentials list. But if you are trying to space out your spending, if you are like us you wouldn't need it for the first 5-6 months.
5. Changing Table
What I actually think now: I didn't use a changing table with jasper so it's definitely not 'necessary' but I do like having one this time around. I do all the changing on it because it's the perfect place to organize and store our cloth diapers. So it makes the essential list this time around.
6.Car seat
What I actually think now: Still obviously a necessity, and we love our chicco.
7 Good stroller
What I actually think now: A GOOD stroller if you do a lot of walking is such a necessity. Love love our bugaboo.
8. Baby Carrier
What I actually think now: When Tindra was a week old we picked up the K'taan. I like it. A lot. I don't use it a ton- we are more stroller people and T is such an awesome baby and doesn't need to be held all day like some babies, but it is convenient to have for situations where the stroller isn't the best option.
9. Bassinet
What I actually think now: We use the bassinet more than any other baby product right now. Have since birth. She still sleeps at night and naps in her bassinet, but she is almost too long so we will probably switch her to her crib in the next few weeks. But definitely worth it for those who want to co-sleep but now bed share.
I would also like to add breast pump and some sort of baby gym (one of the million names they go by) to the list. T lays on her mat and kicks up at her toys at least twice a day for about 15-20 minutes total. She absolutely LOVES it. She giggles and shrieks at her toys shes trying to grab. And I use my breast pump twice a day, one in the morning and once at night. It's been a major life saver for me. I used to have to supplement some with formula at night but now she hasn't had any formula in about 1.5 months and I have almost 1000 oz in the freezer.
So that's our list for baby must haves for the first 4.5 months. I'm sure those needs will change in the coming months? Anything you would add to the list? Or anything on this list you didn't use/need?