I took this picture this time two years ago. Just days away before my water broke in the middle of the night on April 20th. I really have no clue where the past two years have gone. I'm definitely feeling very bitter sweet about it! I'm so loving these ages right now with both kiddos and time just needs to freeze for a few years. Or decades.
Spring has officially made it's way to Colorado! Finally! 81 degrees reported in the 5 day forecast!
Easter, whats your family traditions for that? Seems like everyone does it differently! Growing up we did a combination of Swedish and I guess my mom's traditions growing up in America. Drew and I have sort of been winging it. The last couple of years we had little Easter baskets set up and got up super early to scatter some eggs from the Easter bunny in the yard. When we lived in a condo in Sweden and in Superior one of us stayed in with Jasper (Drew) while I went and played Easter bunny in a court yard in Sweden and by the lake in Superior. This year we will do the same and then probably go to church with friends who invited us followed by an easter egg hunt at the church.
The day after Easter (and Tindra's second birthday!) my mom and nephew are coming from Iowa and then Wednesday night my sister and brother in law are coming! So SO excited to spend some time with family!
I'm challenging myself to doing just a little bit of yoga every day for 30 days. Even just 10-15 min at night will be good enough! So far I'm 2/2! I'm just trying to get some of the most simple moves down and I'm really realizing how UNflexible I am. Apparently that's not a real world. Anyone have any favorite yoga websites?
I think YogaGlo is the go-to online yoga spot! Hope that helps!