Through my iPhone, and some of Drew's.
^Jasper got a fish (who he named Martin) from Santa and almost every day after school he reads to him^
^Mamma and T brunch date^
^New years day the kiddos and I celebrated with the ball drop at the Children's museum^
^After Tindra went to bed new years eve, Jasper, Drew and I played games and drank sparkling juice and watched and^
old new years ball drop on youtube before he went to bed. I actually made it to new years this year!
^One of Jasper's last days of Christmas break we went to a great indoor pool/rec center with friends, it was hard to^
drag them out of the pool after three hours. They are both such little fish^
^We spent the very last day of Christmas break with friends celebrating Epiphany (Which I knew^
basically know nothing about but involved delicious cake and finding baby Jesus!
^Tindra started gymnastics and loves it! Not surprising.^
^Jasper started basketball and Tindra does Not love standing on the sidelines watching him practice^
^Finally I'm in a book club! I've basically wanted to be in a book club since probably high school (book nerd alert) and^
this one came with wine, delicious snacks, 'naughty apples to apples' and some fun girls! (Most of which I had never met before!) Also, I never would have met any of these girls if it weren't for blogging. Crazy huh? I had so much fun with fellow bloggers Kym, Sami and Alexes, our host Christa and all the other girls!
^We celebrated this guys 27th birthday with BBQ on Saturday. He's officially old like me!^
Also I promise you he wasn't grouchy (in fact he was thrilled for all that meat) he just isn't a fan of having
his picture taken while he's eating.
^Found all the above pictures on Drew's phone from Christmas. They were so happy with their new swing!^