Friday, February 19, 2016

Whole30 While Breastfeeding

Has anyone done it? Drew and I are on day 5 and so far so good! Days 2-4 I had a bit of a dull headache, and today lunch didn't really sound that great but I forced myself to eat and I'm really glad I did. I'm honestly getting a little sick of meat, I don't usually eat meat more than 1-2 times a week, so eating it 1-2 times a day is a big change for me. Drew is loving that part of it thought!

Things that have helped me so far;
Meal planning. I think it would be impossible to do this otherwise 

Eating as soon as I get a little hungry. If I get too hungry I get super cranky and nothing sounds good

Drinking a ton of water. I'm averaging 100-130 oz/day

A La croix water every afternoon to sip on, helps with cravings I think

Having a support system! I convinced Drew to do it with me, and a friend is doing it also, totally helps

And some of the things we have been eating, because I'm always curious to see what others are eating during things like this. 

I'm making sure to eat a lot of avocados to make sure I'm getting the good healthy fat and calories to keep up with the demand of growing baby boy (Soren, not pregnant if that needed clarification!) 

Anyone have any Whole30 tips/tricks/favorite recipes? 

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