Monday, June 14, 2010

Two Top Guilty Pleasures

I have many guilty pleasures.

1. Brazilian Bikini Wax. Sort of a waste of money I guess at $45/50 a time every 4-5 weeks, but I Loooove em. Gweneth Paltrow was right when she said they were life changing.

2. Dresses. Its the one thing I can't seem to help buying for myself. Im always on the hunt for new ones!

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  1. I love your picks! Especially the first one.

  2. I'm always buying dresses! good one!!

  3. I love dresses too! Not sure about the brazilian though, I am not sure I am brave enough!

  4. I was super nervous the first time having a brazilian wax, but decided after having a 9 lb baby how much could it hurt? I don't think it hurts at all really- i barely ever even flinch. So worth it!

  5. Great picks! I do my own waxing now so it is a lot cheaper, but it is something I can't live without!

  6. I amy your new follower of your blog. Come visit me when you can at

  7. Stopping by from top 2 tuesday! First off I am addicted to Brazillians too! OH and I LOVE your swedish beauty rituals! Those woman are gorgeous! :) Love your blog!

  8. Yeah, Brazilian bikini wax is the number one in my "Pamper Me List." I love the cool and clean feeling after every sesh. I usually do this every six weeks with my girlfriends. I love, love your picks. True! Every girl must have a pretty dress. (:
